This time I am going to shut up and let Eve Ensler (known from Virgina Monologues) do the talking.
I invite you to listen to this inspirational talk. Click on Eve.
Favourite quotes
1/ These people, in the spirit of the warrior, have gone into the center, the heart of pain, of loss, they have grieved it, they have dived into it, and allowed and encouraged poison to turn into medicin, they have used the fuel of their pain to begin to redirect that energy towards another mission.
2/ We are essentially prominently displaced people. All of us are refugees. We come from somewhere, and we are hopefully traveling all the time towards a new place. Freedom means I may not be identified as one group, I can visit and find myself in every group. In the shared future it will be just that, shared. the end goal becoming vulnerable, realising the place of our connection to one another, rather than being secure, in control and alone.
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